Saturday, December 5, 2009

Moving on...

I've started packing boxes.

The majority of our things will be moved over a 7 day period or so...beginning one week from today.

I'm pretty excited....for lots of reasons....

I'll have a whole new life.

I've had several already....completely different lives.....

as a child with my family.....

after my parent's divorce.....

married right out of high school.....

moving away....for two years.....

coming home.....divorcing.....starting over


yeah....each one of those 'eras' in my life look totally different.... but...there ARE some constants in there.... of course *I* am the biggest one LOL....but there are other personal belongings get carried from one era to the next....but for the most part.....each of these lives has been significantly different from ny of the others I have changed quite a bit....each one of those 'lives' contributing to who I am....

I'm still me...but I'm a different me, for certain.

So a new one is beginning.......

this is the first time that I've been consciously aware of the POSSIBILITY that is before I make a fresh start.

I mean...when I got married (or divorced, or moved away) I knew that things would be different.....

I just didn't take complete responsibilty for DECIDING what the differences would be...and making it happen.

for defining my life.

I guess....mostly....things have just 'happened'...and I let them.

oh...I've had goals....some I've met...some I've lost interest in...and I always knew that the possibilities for my life were endless (my mom told me that I could be anything I wanted...and I believed her...AND...she was right!).... I just never decided what the heck I wanted to be...or do.

some of my 'transitions' into the next 'life' was not of my doing (like my parent's divorce) wasn't my choice to make that change.....but....even when our circumstances are not within our power to change.....there are choices within that.

I guess...not making a choice really is a choice, huh?
choosing to do nothing.

Within a few years both kids will be gone (I think???) and I will have more freedom...more choices.

There are lots of things I want to do in this next life...things I want to learn.....but I think.....for a while....I just want to slow down....and spend some time with me....then make a plan.

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