Sunday, February 17, 2008

What causes Misery?

There have been periods in my life…when…I was ALWAYS a wreck… on any given day…if someone were to ask me how I was…I’d roll my eyes and sigh…I may or may not have gone into the whole schpeel…depends on who it was…but it was a rare thing, during those periods, for me to be joyful.

We all know those people…who are always moaning about something or other…..and then….we all know the ones that seem to be able to deal with whatever is going on in their lives, with grace…who just….do what needs to be done..and smile right on thru it.

How is that?

How is that…when tragedy strikes…we all handle it so differently?

When Suzanne Somers’ Malibu home burned to the ground…I saw her on the news…she stood there, looking at the ashes and she said "We will rebuild, and I truly believe we will learn something great from this experience."


I imagine there were others…in very similar circumstances…who were absolutely devastated.

Which says to me…that it is not what HAPPENS in our lives…that can make us happy…or make us miserable…it is how we THINK about what happens….

Our circumstances certainly affect us…and…


It is ok to feel WHATEVER it is that we feel.

As a matter of fact…attempting to NOT feel is a part of peg’s problem…not wanting to feel bad feelings… thinking that bad feelings are bad…

But….I am learning to FEEL sadness…and not BECOME sadness….to FEEL anxious and not to BE anxious….to FEEL frustrated or angry or whatEVER I am feeling…..

To feel it…for as long as necessary…and then…to let it go.

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