Thursday, January 29, 2009

Slow Down.....Focus......Relax

There are so many things that I could do to help myself.

I know what these things are.

Still...I don't do them...not on a regular basis anyway.

I need a list.

I get a lot more accomplished when I work from one.

I'm more focused, do this, then that...


You know...when we free ourselves from our addiction...we are free...things are better (than they would be if we were still in the cycle)...but....breaking free is not necessarily a ticket to a rosy life.

Is there even such a thing?

Well....sometimes there is...for me.

But has a lot more to do with my attitude than my actual circumstances.

Sometimes I can deal with whatever comes my way...other times I'm sensitive and am easily agitated...anxious.

I know the things that I must do....I know that....when I slow down a little...when I take some time out of the day, for be be quiet....and when I approach my day with a sense of mission.....things are better...*I* am better.

Serenity....that is the goal...and it is all in my head...or it isn't.

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