Monday, August 25, 2008

Trusting the Universe to Provide

That's a good way to put it.....

I had an 'aha' moment recently-

I'm not ordinarily one to refer to a bible story.....but...bear with me for a minute...

I was raised Catholic...Catholics didn't read the bible back least...none that *I* knew did... but I went to Catholic schools...and I attended there are a handful of bible stories that I've heard over and over again...

one of where Jesus is telling people...(something like)...look at the birds ....and the flowers....if our Father takes care of them...then surely...he will take care of you...his children.

It never made sense to me...I's pretty clear that we've gotta take care of ourselves.

If I decide that 'God will provide' and quit my job...I'm gonna be homeless soon....

People starve to God providing what they need??

anyway-- I'm not sure when or why or how it happened...but a few months suddenly made sense...

it's about fretting.

the birds.....if a mother bird goes out to get food for her you think that, even as she is feeding them...she is thinking 'I hope I'm able to find food for them tomorrow'

I'm no expert on birds....but my gut tells me that....a bird probably doesn't start thinking about it's next meal until it gets hungry.

and the flowers....they just....BE.
they do what flowers do...and they are gonna be OK...or they are NOT gonna be ok (flood or drought may kill them)...but....if a flower COULD wouldn't change whether or not it would be OK or not.

So yeah....I have to take care of myself...provide for myself....but not worry that I won't 'get what I need'.

The fact is....often...what I THINK I need and what I get are two different things.

Part of trusting the universe to accepting that...if I didn't get probably WASN'T what I needed after all.

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