Thursday, August 14, 2008

What do we need to change?

It's all about our quality of life, isn't it?

I my opinion...there really isn't anything inherently WRONG with gambling....gambling is not an option for ME because when *I* gamble it takes over my world and my quality of life turns to sh*t....and so do the lives of others around me.

So, first and foremost....for Peg to have a better quality of life...gambling is not an option.

What then?

Well....THAT is where the 'what we can change and what we must accept' comes in...

There are often negative consequences to be faced...once we break free --Doesn't that stink??? seems like....if we are doing 'good' there should be some kind of a...get out of trouble free card or something...but alas...there is not....

the consequences that we face vary....most of us have debt....bill collectors hounding us....

that's something that we can change...but it's usually not something that we can turn around QUICKLY.... so we must make this particular change what we can about this particular issue today.....

decide what our options are....and evaluate them....and do the best that we can...

same thing with relationships....I couldn't just twitch my nose and make everything better....all I could do was little things...the next right thing....over and over again...and relationships began to improve as well.

Those are the things we usually focus on....the OUTSIDE things that we 'need' in order to be happy...

and those things DO need to be addressed...

but more importantly.....once our mind starts to clear....there are the changes that we want to make in ourselves....

they don't just happen's not easy to change our thought and behavior patterns....we have to be vigilant in our efforts...but...we must also be patient...

it all takes time.

the things we can't change?
those things....we have to learn to 'accept'....

I mean...if we truly cannot change something....then our options are...

to be upset about this thing...
or to feel ok.

either way...the 'thing' doesn't change.....the only difference is the way we feel....the difference is only what is inside of us.

It always comes down to that, doesn't it?

The difference is inside of me.

That's the key to the quality of life thing....

It's not about 'stuff'.....or a successful career....people WITH stuff are often just as empty as people without.

Much of what is 'outside'....I must learn to accept...

the difference...the quality of life...the happiness....those changes....

are gonna have to take place inside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand exactly where you're coming from as the wife of a recovering gambler. Hang in there, you can do it.