Sunday, March 2, 2008


I know hopelessness.

I’ve been there.

This…gambling addiction devastates us……there seems to be no way out.

We hear others talk THEY haven’t gambled in a while…we hear them talk about how THEY dealt with creditors..or how THEY got out of debt or how THEY repaired relationships…how THEY got thru the consequences that our gambling created…

We HEAR it…but…that is THEM.

*WE* cannot be OK.

*MY* stuff is worse.

*MY* stuff cannot be repaired…. *I* cannot get better….

The sleepless nights I had….the despair…

It’s not true.

You can be ok.

That doesn’t mean that things won’t hurt…it doesn’t mean that the consequences will just go away….but

YOU can be ok.

We can’t fix it all at once..that’s what we’d like…for all of the consequences to just go away….for everything to be ok.

*WE* have to find a way…*WE* have to learn how *WE* can be ok…even when EVERYTHING ELSE is NOT!

Is there something….any little thing….that can be done right now….that would make things just a liiiittttlllleeee bit better.
Not….something that would FIX anything….
Just a littttllle bit better???

Those little bitty things…accumulate….the minutes that we don’t gamble..turn into hours..then days….months, YEARS…….those little things that we can do…to make things a llliiitttllleeee bit better….they really really will make a difference….

Just….do the right thing….right now…then keep doing the next right thing…

YOU can be ok.

There really is hope.

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