Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Things that make my world better

I suffered over the incident all day…and evidently he was over it as soon as he got out of the car.

We had a family discussion – things will be better…at least for the short term….AND…I am going to focus on the things that *I* can change….I play a part in our dysfunctional mornings too.


So I was thinking about all of this..about my day..and about how ‘recovery’ really isn’t about gambling at all (I keep SAYING that!)…it’s about learning how to LIVE in a healthier fashion…

And THAT reminded me of a conversation that I had recently….I had dinner with a childhood friend..we were catching up on each others lives..she is telling me a story and she says “so when I lay down that night and began to go thru my day…wondering what I could have done differently to make things better……..” she continued on with her story.

And I thought.


A daily inventory?

She’s not in ‘recovery’.

She doesn’t work any STEPS.

She just…picked up tools along the way…things that help to enhance her life…

I am not ‘punished’ or required to ‘work a recovery program’ for the rest of my life…that is not what this is about…this is about…picking up the tools….that will enhance my life…NOW….and incorporating them into my world….into my routine….so that these HEALTHY habits….become natural to me…just…things that I do…just because they make my world better.

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