Monday, December 31, 2007

Grieving (the loss of gambling)

...I didn't feel too much at all when I was in the cycle....when I stopped gambling I was soooooo emotional for a long moods were extreme...

and...there was so much GRIEF...

grief for the life that I lost when I began gambling....things would never be the same again...

grief for the loss of secret lover for a very long time.

plus....dealing with the grief and responsibility that I was running from to begin with.

the thing is....I gambled to get away from feelings...and now..i had feelings in bucketloads.

find ways to relax.
it calms down.
it gets better.

1 comment:

Rock Bottom-Journey of a Compulsive Female Gambler said...

I think this is something that I am going to be dealing with as I work on my addiction. The loss of something that I enjoyed doing, and knowing that I can't do it at a normal rate and therefore having to give it up....I can foresee a lot of grief.