Thursday, December 6, 2007

My H.O.W. of Recovery

Today, I recognize that many of my old behaviors and attitudes have contributed to the progression of this addiction.

Today, I understand that AWARENESS plays a huge role in how well I am....

To be aware...of self...of thoughts, feelings, sensations....whatever I am experiencing this moment.

and...ACCEPTANCE....knowing that I am what I am....all I can do is all I can do (but I must do all that I can do)...I am not perfect...and that's ok....neither are you perfect...and that's ok, too. :)

for me...Awareness and acceptance are key factors...but the H.O.W. seems to be important for everyone in recovery:

HONESTY...I still struggle with this...when there are attitudes/behaviors/relationships that are comfortable..or that FEEL good....I justify them in the same way that I justified gambling, I suppose?

I put off eliminating that thing or behavior until some later date because blah blah blah..honesty is hard.
oh...not the honesty to others...aside from my gambling, I am honest to a fault....
its the honesty with self that I struggle with...but....these days...I struggle :) and...
that is a step in the right direction.

OPENNESS.....I am learning to be open to others thoughts and ideas about recovery...I love g.a. but...some of the things that g.a. 'preaches' is not really what the program is about (IMHO)...and...there are good I am finding in other programs..or just from talking to others (from no particular program at all) empowering....I will be open....I will take what I need.

WILLINGNESS....I guess it all boils down to willingness doesn't it?

Willingness to do whatever it takes...I doesn't matter how aware or honest I am...if I am not put that information into good use.

or...WILLING to turn it over???

how about....WILLING to address my issues :)
one way or another.


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