Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Make a Decision


Decision- a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; the act of making up your mind about something

Choice-the act of choosing or selecting

When one has an urge that they do not act on...they have made a choice...they have two options....they pick one.

A DECISION, however, is a POSITION....it is a PLAN...it is not a one time 'choice'.

We have to make a DECISION that we are done.

Some people might argue that this 'disease' is not progressive.

OK, fine.

For some people, maybe it won't get any worse.

I imagine that, if anyone is reading this...things don't NEED to get worse...they are bad enough.


let's suppose they DON'T get any worse.

what one must ask themselves is....

is THIS....is this good enough? is THIS the life I want?

Often, I believe...people don't make DECISIONS about their lives...oh...I made some...but...a big part of who I am and where I am today is just because ....? it happened?

I married my first husband when I was 19 years old because of circumstances....we were in a relationship and it seemed to be the 'next step'....I just 'went with the flow'....many of the jobs that I have taken just sort of 'came about'...and many of the decisions that i HAVE made....well...they were actually choices.

LONG TERM GOAL - geez...that's never been me....I'm an instant gratification kinda gal..I don't want to work or wait for anything...I want it all and I want it NOW!!!

That kind of thinking...and lack of planning has gotten me into lots of trouble (note I said FIRST husband) even apart from gambling.

In order to free myself...I had to acknowledge that...unless I took some sort of ACTION..things were NOT going to get better (and in all likelihood would get worse)...

I had to Understand that...even though I thought that no one else could ever have been as bad off as I was...they probably were....AND.....if others could beat this..and find happiness...SO COULD I...

I had to DECIDE what kind of a life I wanted...then...every moment of every day...make the choices that coincide with that decision.

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